MATES (Mentoring and Tutoring Education Scheme) is a one-academic-year youth mentoring programme that pairs tertiary student mentors with pupils from schools in low socio-economic areas to help mentees reach their potential. MATES enables young people to engage in meaningful mentoring relationships, through which they can develop the skills and confidence to participate, contribute, develop positive relationships, and achieve goals. MATES Junior works with Year 8 mentees, while MATES Senior works with Year 13 mentees. 

Through weekly one-to-one MATES sessions, Mentors support their Mentees with academic study, provide guidance on future pathways, and lend a listening ear. Mentors, in turn, have the opportunity to increase their employability and leadership skills.

“MATES supports mentees to see beyond what is in front of them and exposes them to different environments and experiences that will help them grow into great human beings.” – Teacher at Clendon Park School